
INASHG - Indonesian Society of Human Genetics

The enthusiasm and interest of Human Genetics in Indonesia has increased year by year. Many Indonesian scientists are harboring their interests on human genetics, and have taken human genetics training, post-graduate, even doctoral programs from domestic and overseas centers. Therefore, it is an encouraging reason and a right time to re-establish Perhimpunan Genetika Manusia Indonesia (PaGMI) / Indonesian Society of Human Genetics (InaSHG), formerly named PGMI, which will provide a scientific platform and accommodate professionals and people who are interested in human genetics in Indonesia.

In recent times, Indonesia also keeps track of international progress of human genetics. Indonesia is an active member of Asia Pacific Society of Human Genetics (APSHG), where Prof. Dr. Sangkot Marzuki was one of the pioneers, along with Prof. Dr. Herawati Sudoyo. The latest APSHG conference in Hanoi was attended and represented by members such as Dr. Damayanti Sjarif from University of Indonesia/ Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, and Prof. Dr. Sultana MH Faradz from Diponegoro University.

ISGC - Indonesian Society of Genetic Councelors

Genetic counselor is a profession that is very important and needed in providing counseling services on genetic diseases to the patients and families.

It is important for patients and families to take the decision about their life forward. For that, they’re need a good knowledge and understanding of the genetic disease they’re suffered, the pattern of disease decline, the risk of recurrence in the family, the steps for diagnosis, the treatment and therapy that can be an option for patients and families.

Prof. dr. Sultana MH Faradz, Ph.D along with Genetic Counselors who are Alumni of Masters Degree in Genetic Counseling, Biomedical Science Masters Degree from Faculty of Medicine Universitas Diponegoro, took the initiative to establish the Indonesian Society of Genetic Counselors (ISGC) as an association to coordinate and cooperate with genetic counselors in Indonesia. 

It is hoped that in the future genetic counselors will receive government recognition as part of health services, although now it has begun to be implemented due to the needs of the genomic era where diagnosis is based on genome/DNA. Masters degree in genetic counseling at Faculty of Medicine Universitas Diponegoro is the first time in Southeast Asia since 2006 followed by Singapore, the Philippines and Malaysia.

President of the Indonesian Society of Genetic Counselors (ISGC), Prof. dr. Sultana MH Faradz, Ph.D and Vice President, dr. Muflihatul Muniroh, M.Si.Med, Ph.D., in collaboration with about 90 other genetic counselors spread throughout Indonesia hopes that in the future the Genetic Counselor profession in Indonesia will increasingly be able to provide benefits and a great role for the community, especially patients and families with genetic diseases.

Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga

Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga (FK UNAIR) is the 2nd oldest Faculty of Medicine in Indonesia. Currently, FK UNAIR is 108 years old since it was founded as Nederlandsch-Indische Artsen School (NIAS) in 1913. FK UNAIR has started a long journey to transform knowledge in medical science and devote knowledge to improve the welfare of the nation, society, and humanity.

During the 2020-2025 period, FK UNAIR has the vision to become an independent, innovative, leading Faculty of Medicine at the national and international levels, a pioneer in the development of medical science and technology, entrepreneurship and humanities-based on religious morals. In order to realize this vision, there is a Program and Action plan called The PRIME FK UNAIR, covering a Professional and student-centred curriculum, Responsive and accessible management system & public problems, Innovation based on education and research, Modern Learning Ecosystem, and Entrepreneurship building program.

FK UNAIR continues to improve the quality of education by implementing a rigorous and accredited internal academic quality audit both nationally (LAMPT-Kes) and internationally. In addition to improving the quality of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and managerial governance, FK UNAIR also strengthens cooperation networks with various parties both at home and abroad. This collaboration is fostered through the exchange of lecturers and students, research collaborations, and opportunities to continue higher education for the academic community of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga.


Advisory Board


  • Prof. Dr. dr. Budi Santoso, Sp.OG(K)

Dean of  Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga


    • Dr. dr. A. C. Romdhoni, Sp.THT-KL(K)

    Vice Dean I of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga


      • Dr. dr. Hanik Badriyah Hidayati, Sp.S(K)

      Vice Dean II of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga


        • Dr. dr. Sulistiowati, M.Kes

        Vice Dean III of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga


Dr. dr. Ni Wajan Tirthaningsih, M.S


Dr. dr. Rina Yudiwati, M.S


Prof. dr. Retno Handajani, M.S., Ph.D


  • Prof. Dr. dr. Harianto Notopuro, M.S


  • Prof. Dr. dr. Indri Safitri, M.S

Steering Committee


  • dr. Gunadi, Sp.BA, Ph.D

President Indonesian Society of Human Genetics (InaSHG)


  • Prof. dr. Sultana M.H. Faradz, Ph.D 

President Indonesian Society of Genetic Counselor (ISGC) & Advisory Board InaSHG


  • Prof. dr. Sofia Mubarika Haryana, Ph.D

Advisory Board InaSHG


Prof. dr. Herawati Sudoyo, M.S., Ph.D

Advisory Board InaSHG


  • Prof. dr. Damajanti Rusli Sjarief, Ph.D., Sp.A(K)

Advisory Board InaSHG


  • Prof. Dr. dr. Tri Indah Winarni, M.Si.Med., PA

Advisory Board InaSHG

Organizing Committee




Dr. dr. Tri Hartini Yuliawati, M.Ked

Vice Chairman


dr. Zakiyatul Faizah, M.Kes



dr. Berliana Hamidah, M.Kes

dr. Dwi Aris Agung Nugrahaningsih, M.Sc, Ph.D



dr. Kusuma Eko Purwantari, M.Si

dr. Mawaddah Ar Rochmah, Ph.D

Dwi Esti Peni


Event Division


  1. dr. Lucky Prasetiowati, M.Biomed
  2. dr. Nani Maharani, M.Si.Med., Ph.D
  3. Dr. dr. Eighty Mardiyan K., Sp.OG(K)
  4. Dr. dr. Mia Ratwita, Sp.A(K)
  5. Dr. dr. Agung Dwi Wahyu Widodo, M.Si., M.Ked.Klin.,  Sp.MK
  6. dr. Cennikon Pakpahan
  7. drg. Retno Dwi Wulandari, M.Kes

Scientific Division


  1. Dr. dr. Citrawati Dyah Kencono Wungu, M.Si
  2. dr. Gara Samara Brajadenta, M.Sc., M.Si.Med, Ph.D
  3. Ari Winasti Satyagraha
  4. Yunia Sribudiani, M.Sc., Ph.D
  5. dr. Eva Diah Setijowati, M.Si.Med
  6. dr. Muflihatul Muniroh, M.Si.Med., Ph.D
  7. dr. Manggala Pasca W., Sp.OG(K)
  8. dr, Nur Rochmah, Sp.A(K)
  9. dr. Mahendra Tri Arif Sampurna, Sp.A(K), Ph.D
  10. Dr. dr. Lina Lukitasari, M.Si
  11. dr. Eka Arum Cahyaning Putri, M.Kes

Secretariat Division


  1. dr. Dewi Ratna Sari, M.Si
  2. dr. Fithriyah C. Ummah, M.Med.Ed
  3. dr. Sakina, M.Si
  4. Dr. dr. Indri Lakhsmi Putri, Sp.BP-RE(KKF)
  5. Rina Damayanti, SE

Publication, Documentation, and Public Relationship Division


  1. dr. Rimbun, M.Si
  2. dr. Agustini Utari, Sp.A(K), M.Si.Med.
  3. Dr. Reny I’tishom, M.Si
  4. dr. M. Ayodhia Soebadi, Sp.U(K), Ph.D
  5. dr. Hayuris Kinandita S., M.Si
  6. Intan Permata Amalia, A.Md
  7. Ismaul Choiriyah

Funding Division


  1. dr. Bella Amanda, Sp.And
  2. dr. Lynda Hariani, Sp.BP-RE
  3. dr. Arif Tunjung Seto, Sp.OG

Consumption Division


  1. Dr. dr. Ninik Darsini, M.Biomed
  2. Dr. dr. Emma Qurnianingsih, M.Si
  3. dr. Pety Narulita, Sp.And(K)

Logistic Division


  1. Dr. dr. Rahadian Indarto Susilo, Sp.BS(K)
  2. dr. Irfiansyah Irwadi, M.Si 
  3. dr. Misbakhul Munir, M.Kes
  4. Drs. Basuni, MM
  5. Titik Prastijaningsih, SH
  6. Agus Adianto, ST
  7. Jihan Kurniawan , S.S.T

Accomodation & Transportation Division


  1. dr. Agustinus, Sp.And(K)
  2. dr. Yohanes Ardianta Widyanugraha, Sp.OG