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Free Paper

Call for Papers

The Scientific Committee invites who are interested in sharing their work with the participants of the meeting, to submit their work in abstract submission for poster or oral presentation. 

Abstract submission (second extended) deadline is August, 16th 2022. The scientific committee will review full paper and only selected paper will be given a recommendation to submit their paper in National Journals Accredited by Indonesian Higher Education Commission (SINTA 1-3). 

For any questions regarding your abstract, please contact Scientific Committee at

event_genetics@fk.unair.ac.id or 

dr. Eka Arum Cahyaning Putri

 +62 821-9097-1305

The winner for the best oral/poster presentation will walk home with cash rewards!

Topics of Free Paper

1. Big data analysis

2. Infectious diseases

3. Non-communicable diseases

4. Biomolecular Medicine

5. Fertility 

6. Genetical Screening

7. Mendelian Disease

8. Genetic counselling

9. Inborn error of metabolism

10. Congenital Anomalies

11. Hemoglobinopathies

12. Recent Advances in Molecular Genetics 

13. Epigenetics


15. Stem cells

16. Forensic genetics

17. Others

Important Dates

Abstract submission (extended): Until August 16th, 2022

Accepted abstract announcement: August 22nd, 2022

Early bird registration (extended): Until August 31st, 2022

Normal registration: September 1st-8th, 2022

Abstract Submission

Author Guidelines:

Guidelines for abstract

Write your abstract according to the following guidelines:


The abstract language is English


Abstracts should include original data that has not been previously published in a peer-reviewed journal.


  1. We accept articles in the form of original research (systematic review/meta-analysis included) or case report/series.


Only those abstracts that have been reviewed and selected by the Abstract Review Committee may be presented. Only abstracts submitted through website https://3rd-annualmeeting-inashg2022.com will be accepted.


The submitting author is automatically designed as the primary/presenting author. List of author(s), institution(s), city, and country should be written below the title. Authors should write their full names. The submitting author should act as the presenting author and corresponding author. Affiliations should be numbered superscript behind each author’s name


Abstract body should not exceed 250 words, excluding spaces and must not contain any bibliographical references or appendices. No figures, tables, sketches, references and minimum use of abbreviations.


The Paragraph style is Justified. Please use times new romans 12 and one and a half (1.5) spacing for the title, author list, and abstract content.


Supported file formats are MS Word and Word Document (.doc or .docx); other file formats will not be processed


Table and pictures cannot be included in the abstract.


  1. The original research or systematic review/meta-analysis abstract content should be organized in following structure: 
    1. a. Background and aims
    2. b. Material and methods
    3. c. Results
    4. d. Conclusion
    5. e. Keywords. A maximum of six keywords may be submitted. 


Abstract can be from a case report or case report/series with recommended content as follow:

a. Background

b. Case Illustration/presentation

c. Note: There is no need to include discussion in this abstract body, but if there is one, it can be merged with the case illustration/presentation part. 

d. Conclusion 

e. Keywords. A maximum of six keywords may be submitted.


Abstract can be from a literature review in the form of unstructured abstract but should cover background, review, and conclusion. A maximum of six keywords may be submitted.


  1. The authors may choose whether she/he will perform oral or poster presentation. However, final decision is in the abstract review committee. Presenters will be notified at which category their abstracts are accepted for oral/poster presentation through email.


  1. The accuracy of the submitted abstract is the responsibility of the authors. Errors made on submitted abstract are likely to appear in print. Authors should prepare and proofread their abstracts carefully prior to submission. The Abstract Review Committee will not proof-read or correct spelling, typographical, grammatical, or scientific errors, nor can changes be made once the abstract has been submitted.


  1. Once an abstract has been submitted, it cannot be withdrawn or edited.
  2. All PRESENTERS must register to attend the 3nd InaSHG Conference and presenters will not be given a presentation slot until full payment is received for their registration.


All authors must agree on the submission of the abstract to the conference. For any problems or inquiries regarding abstract submission, please email event_genetics@fk.unair.ac.id or contact dr. Eka Arum Cahyaning Putri, M.Si

Guideline for Oral Presentation

Please follow instructions for oral presentation here:


All oral presentation must be in English. All presentation will be performed offline.


Oral Presentations Talks will be allotted 10 minutes total (7 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A).


Prepared yor slide presentation max 7 slides for each presenter in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 (or earlier).


Slide presentation recommended content as follow: 

  1. 1. Background and aims
  2. 2. Material and methods
  3. 3. Results and discussion

4. Conclusion and sugesstion


Slides (general): Limit each slide to a single idea. Make them as simple and large as possible so that they are readable from at least 50 ft. 18-24 pt font is a good minimum size.


Slides (data): Graphs are better than tables. If you must use tables, do NOT use ones directly from manuscripts or papers; retype them, and include only critical information. Do not complicate unnecessarily. Put only 1 figure/graph per slide, and do not use 3-D unless the additional axis provides information (it rarely does!).


The first slide should attach a logo from InaSHG and ISGC


Send your presentation slide as pptx to the committee no later than August, 31st 2022 (submission link will be sent to presenter).


If you have any questions, please contact our scientific committee

Guideline for e-Poster

Preparation of the poster:

We only accept electronic posters (E-Posters) in PDF format. Printed posters or photographs of printed posters will NOT be accepted.

Deadline for uploading your e-Poster: August, 31st 2022.


All e-poster must be written in English and presented briefly in 1-2 minute(s) presentation. All presentation will be performed offline.


Posters must be in PDF (single slide) and portrait format. File size must be less than 10 MB.


Recommended font size: minimum 16 font size


Arial font should be used throughout the poster with such clarity. The title and subheadings should be written in bold. Italics should be avoided as it would be harder to read from a distance.


Poster dimensions in pixel: 1,080 cm (width) x 1,536 cm (height) and 38.1 cm (width) x 54.2 cm (height)


Posters must have title, background, methods, results, and conclusions


Keep the text concise and easy to read. Posters must convey a clear message and a logical layout.


All information (i.e. text, data, photos, and figures) must be designed to appear within one window/slide.


Names and affiliations of all authors (each author to be marked with superscript Arabic number (such as 1, 2) with their corresponding institute affiliation and their addresses.


The logo of the affiliated institution/university, InaSHG, and ISGC should be placed on the upper left hand corner, also please put the sponsorship logo on the upper right hand corner of the poster in your e-Poster. The sponsorship logos are as follow: (1) PT Biofarma Adiluhung & PT Kalbe Farma; (2) PT Genomik Solidaritas Indonesia (3) PT Pandu Biosains. Logos are available in https://3rd-annualmeeting-inashg2022.com/download/


Please be considerate when using colors for the presentation, keep only 2-3 colors as this would be a formal scientific e-poster. Please select background colors that contrast well with the font to allow easier reading of your text. Avoid background with bright or dark color and full of texture as this will distract readers.


Make sure that any photographs or figures being used in the poster are with sufficient size so that they are clearly visible, with a minimum 300-dpi resolution. The number of photographs should be limited to only those that are essential and relevant for the poster (preferable not exceeding 4-6 photos).


Graphs and tables should be well organized and the font used should be of a size that is easy to read.


Data must be given in units that are generally accepted in scientific publications (international metric system is preferred)


At the footer/bottom part of poster presentation, should be noted: Presented at 3rd InaSHG Annual Meeting & 1st ISGC Conference 2022

Contact Person for Scientific Committee:

email: event_genetics@fk.unair.ac.id

dr. Eka Arum Cahyaning Putri, M.Kes / +62 821-9097-1305