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UNAIR-Logo branding biru


Genomik Solidaritas Indonesia (GSI)

GSI Lab Hadir Membuka Akses Testing Bagi Indonesia Yang Lebih Sehat

Dipercaya oleh banyak institusi & ratusan ribu masyarakat Indonesia. Semua tes ditangani oleh para profesional. Kami selalu melakukan inovasi & pengembangan di bidang genomik untuk mendukung program pemerintah, seperti deteksi varian baru SARS-CoV-2.

Pandu Biosains

Illumina is a global leader in genomics with mission to improve human health by unlocking the power of the genome.

What causes a cancer cell to mutate? What is the origin of a puzzling disease? Is it possible to prevent the next outbreak? Or safeguard the world’s food supply? These are just a few of the challenges that inspire us to push the boundaries of our imagination.

Pandu Biosains as Illumina representative in Indonesia, commits to provide end-to-end solution and give our best support for your genomics needs.

Kalbe Farma

Established in 1966, Kalbe has gone a long way from a humble operation that started in a garage to become the leading pharmaceutical company in Indonesia. Since its founding, the Company has been aware of the importance of innovation to grow its business. Kalbe Farma has established a robust research and development activities in leading edge generic drug formulation and continuous development of innovative consumer and nutritional products. Through strategic alliances with international partners, Kalbe have also started to support several successful research and development venture working on cancer drugs, stem cells and biotechnology research.